After I had erased the only other account on my computer besides mine, I unchecked the logon screen box in the user name menu. Ever since then, When starting up the computer, a little box pops up that tells me to enter a password. I just click cancel, and it boots up as normal. Any ideas on why this keeps popping up? I use to have logon studio, but deleted it. Could that be a problem?
on Jul 02, 2006
did you just delete it or did you uninstall it?
if you uninstalled it, did you set the windows default back first.
did you turn of fast user switching?
on Jul 02, 2006
When I go to check about the fast user switching, it says it can't be enabled due to using offline files. I'm pretty sure I uninstalled it.
on Jul 02, 2006
do you have 'use the welcome screen' enabled?
on Jul 02, 2006
1 - Go to "Folder Options > Offline Files tab" and deselect "Enable Offline files" option > click "Apply" if available.

2 - Go to "Control Panel > User Accounts > Change the way users log on or off" and select the "Use the Welcome screen" (this should also automatically select "Use fast user switching") > click "Apply Options" button.

As long as you do not have a password set, and no other accounts set-up, Windows will boot directly to the desktop.
on Jul 02, 2006
Nope. Also I just realized, when I press ctr+alt+delete to get the task manager up, it pops up a Windows Security box with shut down, log off, task manager and a few other things, including my user account info.
on Jul 02, 2006
That fixed it, Wizop. Thanks both of you!!!
on Jul 02, 2006
  Corky O