but none that I've found via WB are all that great,
Published on February 26, 2006 By sgand In OS Customization
There was one I really liked, but it didn't display some of the things I want, like CPU, In/Out, drive space, pic slideshow...all that good stuff. Any suggestions?
on Feb 26, 2006
I believe Yahoo is working on a sidebar, and will integrate Yahoo widgets. Might be interesting. Don't know when it will be released though.
on Feb 26, 2006
Goto this site and download the beta version 111 its very stable and works great. I was using the stable version .75 but I thought I'll try the beta and a much better version. Lots of different skins and other stuff to load up in. Been using it for a month now and its awesome. http://www.desktopsidebar.com/
on Feb 26, 2006
Have you seached through the DX libraries at Wincustomize?

There are lots of sidebars that are fairly easy to customize to your tastes.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Feb 26, 2006
I have tried a few and found most to be unstable, or I couldn't quite match the skins to the blinds I preferred. One I stuck with and use from time to time is Spyder Bar. IT has never given me any problems and it's kind of basic in apearance. It has some transparent options and color options as well.
on Feb 26, 2006
Have a look at DesktopSidebar http://www.desktopsidebar.com/ and SmartbarXP http://www.smartbarxp.com/
on Feb 26, 2006
once again desktop sidebar is really good....i have been using it for a year and a half now and love it....i do wish there were a few extra customizations like color change or custom color sidebars....i like the transparency but wish the items on the dock would not go transparent (just the dock background)......

i havent tryied the newer beta yet....but um sure i will soon!

either or its awesome and will give you most of the things you would need to see quickly on you desktop...and it works with dual monitors nicely!

check it out
on Feb 27, 2006
Desktopsidebar would be a great option..
on Feb 27, 2006
I wonder what happend to the SmartbarXP site. They's been idle for nearly a year, then recently the project became active and now the site is just gone... It was nice as it adopted The window's style applied.